HOA Protection
Property Safety Homeowner/Family/Pet Safety Environmental Safety
Cold Fire® is an excellent resource to you and your residents in wildfire situations, which we certainly hope does not occur in your neighborhood but it is always best to be prepared. We are interested in sharing the values and benefits of our product with your residents in reducing or preventing fire, water, and/or smoke damage to property, persons/animals, and the environment. Another important feature is that Cold Fire®is also a thermal barrier product, i.e., it provides a barrier from heat such that it can be applied to persons or surfaces and prevent them from burning.
Cold Fire® is available in spray cans for small fires indoors/outdoors as well as extinguishers and 20-100 gallon portable units up to complete outdoor in-ground and whole-house mounted exterior solutions.
Cold Fire® is a wetting-agent and has the following listings and ratings:
- UL Class A & B listings (2N75) and can also extinguish Class D & K fires
- NFPA 18 listed (UL 162)
- Class B foam listed (UL 711)
- EPA SNAP listed
- National Forest Service (NFS) and USGS Wildland tested (Missoula)
- Approved by the NFS to be used within 300 feet of a body of water
- HMIS rating of 0,0,0
- Indefinite Shelf-Life
Cold Fire® is a plant based, non-toxic, and 100% biodegradable product.It is also non-corrosive and is one of the few, possibly only, fire suppression agents available to extinguish E85 and other bio-fuel fires.
With a surface coating of Cold Fire® in place, the home and land around it will not catch fire.
Please click here to view the MSDS